
Room elements - multidimensional and versatile

Raumteilelemente - multidimensional und vielseitig

The Volkswagen Art4All event series has been taking place in the New Nationalgalery in Berlin since December 2021. Xbrick® is there and contributes to making Volkswagen Art4All an exciting and diverse cultural offering.

Art4All already reveals in the title of the event what it's about: namely, it's about everyone! This not only means that everyone is warmly welcome, but also that culture can be experienced and shaped together and interactively. Xbrick® has already demonstrated its range of applications in creative theater and museum projects in the past.

We are proud to now be part of the New Nationalgalery and Volkswagen Art4All and to be involved in the staging and conception of cultural experiences here too. Xbrick® in the museum is, on the one hand, mobile seating that can be easily and quickly adapted to new exhibitions or events, platforms or room partition elements. No matter whether in seminar, training or conference rooms – with Xbrick® you can integrate them in a multidimensional and versatile way into the development of the respective room concepts.

Project partners:
pro office office and property furnishing sales company mbH

Berlin, Germany
Completion: 2021

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